Summer 2024 

Tayos hard work and research have resulted in several achievements. He submitted a comprehensive history presentation consisting of 57 pages, covering topics such as castles, the Stone Age, the Iron Age, and the importance of archaeological excavations. In recognition of his outstanding efforts, Tayo received a YouTube creators diploma from Thrive homeschool and an Alison certification from the cpd certification service.

Additionally, Tayo excelled in his online math classes and was awarded three gold and one silver math certificates. He also received certificates for his exceptional participation and excellent work in both math and English throughout the year.

Not forgetting Kumba, who also deserves recognition for her accomplishments. She was presented with a certificate for her great achievement in mastering the ABCs and counting in both English and Mandinka.

Overall, their dedication and hard work have resulted in excellent achievements.

Summer 2023 

Summer 2022.

2020-2024 Lessons and creativity